
What is a Pastoral Discerner? 

How many are there and what do they do? This is the group charged with the visioning for the CCR in our Archdiocese, are commonly referred to as the discerners. People are usually recognized as having leadership qualities, a devoted prayer life and are comfortable exercising the charisms commonly connected with the Charismatic Renewal. They are invited to prayerfully consider whether the Lord is calling them to serve. There is an application process which is submitted and then approved by the Discerners. The Liaison is the lead person in this group but when they meet monthly to discern the Lord’s will for the greater body, it is a collaborative effort out of which they operate. Currently there are six discerners (listed below), but the bylaws allow ten.

Marianne Skrobiak

Marianne Skrobiak has been involved in the Charismatic Renewal since 1978 having participated in many national leadership events. She was appointed Liaison by Archbishop Listecki in 2012 after serving as Associate Liaison for six years.  After six years she just finished serving on the Association of Diocesan Liaisons (ADL), and was the chairperson for 3 of those. 

She has felt led by the Holy Spirit to guide the Renewal in an open model of discernment, which has led to some innovative approaches. Marianne is also a speaker, retreat leader, and she helps lead the telephone prayer

meetings on Thursday nights. Marianne has a love of the Lord which shines through all she does. 

Marilynn Futterer

Marilynn Futterer is a member of Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in St. Francis, WI and has been involved in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal since 1974. She has participated in prayer group leadership, Life in the Spirit Seminars for children, teens, adults, as well as retreats and conferences. 

She is currently a member of River of Life Prayer Group, Intercessor Prayer Group and Healing and Deliverance Ministry. 

Bill Snyder

Born and raised in the suburbs of Philadelphia, PA, Bill Snyder is a passionate Catholic with a lively faith. For over a dozen years he has been an active member and leader in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and holds bachelors degrees in both Theology/Religious Studies and TV/Radio Production from the University of Scranton, PA. As a youth minister, servant leader, teacher and dynamic speaker he harnesses the energy of young Catholics, guiding them into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and challenges them to be bold witnesses to the Catholic Faith.

Bill, joined the team of discerners in 2018 and also serves on the NSC Council for the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. 

Tom Stano

Tom Stano began his walk with the Lord searching out a vocation to the priesthood through high school and college at St. Francis De Sales Seminary, where he earned a B.A. in Theology.  Believing that God wanted him to serve in a different way, he married and raised a family, all the while remaining involved in church activities such as CCD teaching and music ministry for Liturgy.   He was Baptized in the Spirit in 1976. He attended a few meetings and found he was unable to be comfortable with the prayer style.  His wife prayed for him for 12 years and quite suddenly he found new life in the Holy Spirit in the Renewal in 1988.   He has served as music minister at Promises of God Prayer Group since then. He was invited and continues to be a Pastoral Discerner since 1994.   He serves in a variety of roles as music leader, presenter at Life in the Spirit seminars, an event planner/coordinator here and with other service teams in the State, and in whatever area he is needed.  He concurrently leads the Promises of God Prayer Group at St. Margaret Mary Parish.   He continues to open himself to the leadings of the Holy Spirit and is blessed beyond belief!  

Teri Strom

Teri Strom began her "Life in the Spirit" through her mother who became active in the Charismatic Renewal in 1977 and a member of Benet Lake, the first Catholic Charismatic prayer group in Wisconsin, located at the Benedictine Monastery, St. Benedict's Abbey. Teri continued in her mother's footsteps, joining Benet Lake in 2000 and becoming a core team member. She believes it is a privilege to serve God's community and especially enjoys participating in and facilitating "Life in the Spirit" seminars, promoting growth in the Holy Spirit. She was asked to join the Pastoral Discerner team in 2013.

Teri is active in various ministries at Holy Cross Parish in Bristol and St.Benedict's Abbey.

She also belongs to the Magnificat prayer group at St. Mary's in Kenosha but her true vocation lies in her special needs son Michael who accompanies her and is beside her on this journey of life and love in the Spirit.

Emily Tousignant

Emily Tousignant came to the Renewal in 2018. Her journey to the Renewal was totally unexpected, but she is immensely grateful for it.

For quite a few years, she could feel God calling her somewhere, and she searched many different areas within the Catholic Church-- including as a postulant in a convent-- before she was introduced to the Renewal. She thought she knew about the Renewal, but gradually learned she had a lot of misconceptions about it. Through various wonderful persons, she began to learn more about it, and eventually came to realize God was calling her there. 

She has heard others call themselves "trads-matic" before, and this is how she supposes she could call herself. Completely loyal to the authentic Magisterium of the Catholic Church, she has found that the Renewal has a "Holy Spirit" dimension to the Church that she hasn't found elsewhere within the Church, but which existed at the very beginnings of the Church, even from the Apostolic Age. 

She is a Wisconsinite from birth, and lives with her husband and family, whom she adores.

Simon Biagui

Simon Biagui fell in love with the Lord in his youth. He is a founding member of the intra-cultural prayer group at Blessed Savior parish. Simon attended Sacred Heart Seminary School of Theology for his graduate studies. He has served as a speaker, a trainer and a prayer leader in the renewal. He is passionate about helping others grow in divine intimacy.

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